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We're getting back into the swing of things. The kids (husband included) are back in school, the Skokie girls and I are back to hanging out, swapping recipes, and discussing fundraising. A painful topic if ever there was one.
At my children's school, parents are expected to sell ads for an ad book that accompanies the big awards dinner. It's a fairly chaotic process. When the forms come out, parents start making calls like crazy, trying to beat each other to the punch selling enough ads to pay off their annual fundraising obligation.
It's either that or volunteer at the school.
The second option is out of the question for me with the baby tagging along. So, the school's got me working off my fundraising obligation at home, stuffing envelopes, and occasionally asking a local businesses to take out an ad (only to find out some other rabid parent beat me to it). As I discovered today, chatting with my Skokie girls, we're all in the same boat.
I also discovered, chatting with the Skokie girls, that you can cook a salmon in the dishwasher. Wow!
The kids are happy to be back with their friends and on a regular schedule. Even the baby is getting back to her napping schedule. Thank goodness! My husband is back to late nights reading, and I'm back to, well, my usual tired grouchy self. You wanted Utopia? It's Chicago in January! Despite record high temperatures, it will be in the teens next week, and I will be hiding under my blankets.
The kids are happy to be back with their friends and on a regular schedule. Even the baby is getting back to her napping schedule. Thank goodness! My husband is back to late nights reading, and I'm back to, well, my usual tired grouchy self. You wanted Utopia? It's Chicago in January! Despite record high temperatures, it will be in the teens next week, and I will be hiding under my blankets.
I'd better sell those ads before the cold front hits!
This weekend we're having friends over for Shabbat dinner and law school couples over Saturday night for a little party. That was my hubby's idea. He claims he just wants to get rid of all the beer we have left over from Thanksgiving. I think he hates to admit that he's a budding social butterfly and hanging out with all of these youngsters is rubbing off on him. Next thing you know, he'll be begging me, "please, please can we go the Carrie Underwood concert? All my friends are going!"
What's not to be grouchy about? My husband is getting younger while I'm turning into an old yenta who swaps recipes, stuffs envelopes, and sells fundraising ads. Next thing you know, I'll be making Jello molds to take to PTA meetings. And complaining in Yiddish. Oy gevalt, my sciatica is giving me tsuris!
* * *
My dear friend and walking partner in San Antonio sent me pictures of our kids together in San Antonio. Could you die? Oy! Such naches they give me!
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