Monday, June 26, 2006

Mission: Impossible

I'm blogging from home today. Normally, I sit in my small, dimly lit office, surrounded by piles of loosely organized papers, and avoid getting real work done. Today I'm in my big, bright home office, surrounded by piles of loosely organized papers, typing away with a hot, squirmy child on my lap. The baby has a fever (still) and can't seem to find a comfortable position.

My saintly husband and I have spent the last three weeks taking care of sick kids, from my son's stomach virus, to my older daughter's 24-hour bug, to the baby's fever. Mystery viruses are nothing new around here. They come with the territory. Day cares are one big virus vector, and any kid's first year in one is a trial as their little immune systems perk up. I haven't held office hours in a month, and my husband has had to juggle around meetings like a circus clown.

He's taking the baby to the doctor's office this afternoon while I'm teaching. I'm guessing it's another ear infection. We're flying to Chicago first thing tomorrow morning, so it's probably best to take care of it now. My husband, the baby, and I are flying up tomorrow morning and coming back the next night. We're on a mission to find a place to live and for me to distribute my resume to as many colleges and universities as I can get to in such a small window of time.

It's guerrilla jobfare!

While we're zipping around Chicago in our rental car, the other two kids will be staying with a friend. Some kids don't do well staying over at someone else's house, but I don't worry about my kiddos. They are the most easy-going children you'll ever meet. And they're going to fun place with a dog, a nice backyard, and other kids to hang out with. While I don't predict tears when I drop them off, I do exect a full-blown temper tantrum when it's time to go home.

They've always been that way. While other kids were clinging like mad to their parents at day care, mine would saunter in, find a toy, and immediately forget I existed. I suppose I should have felt relief that they were so well-adjusted, confident, and independent. Mainly I worried that I was a lousy mom.

They're going to be staying with a fun friend. She'll give them yummy things to eat, let them watch TV and play videos, and probably eat sugar-sweetened cereals for breakfast! She's a cool mom. Not like me. I feed my kids healthy cereals, I don't let them watch TV, and I make them floss every night. No wonder day care was such a welcome change for them.

Wish me luck on my mission to find housing and work. Yes, I realize these are two of the most stressful events in a person's life. I also recognize that attempting to do both in a whirlwind 24-hour period is madness; and with a feverish baby in tow, it's absolute lunacy! I may be a dud as a mom, but I am a wild woman this week!

Cover me! I'm going in!


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